Making a trendy scarf from an old t-shirt

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Old knitted T-shirts that are out of use can be found in everyone's closet. Let's try to give them a new life and turn them into a fashionable scarf. In winter, of course, it is of little use, but in spring it will become a spectacular addition to a sweater or blouse and bring some bright colors to nondescript things from your wardrobe.

This method is suitable even for the laziest and inept. You don't need a sewing machine or a needle and thread. Only a couple of minutes of time and sharp scissors.

Photos in the instructions, in fact, do not need. Cut off the bottom seam line and the top of the T-shirt.

We cut the "fringe". It can be up to the middle, but it can be higher. The main thing to keep in mind is that in the final version they will be even longer. We stretch the cut strips so that they look like twisted tubes, which can then be decorated with beads.

Based on materials from the website daily candy .


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