Tag: new year

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Unusual Christmas trees. Alternative Ideas

The Christmas tree is an eternal attribute of Christmas and New Year. However, due to beliefs, temporary opportunities and limited space, it is not always possible to afford a living beautiful tree. We present you the most unusual and…

Creativity with children / by admin -

Small paper tree made from old books

We recently wrote about how you can use paper to create a Christmas tree. Read the link http://knigorez.ru/kak-sdelat-novogodnyuyu-elku-iz-bumagi-svoimi-rukami/ Today we present you a master class on creating a paper Christmas tree from old books. Project…

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How to make a wire crown for the Snow Maiden

I had a chance to play the role of the Snow Maiden for this New Year. Scenario, contests, prizes... and even make a costume. As it turned out, the outfit for the Snow Maiden is not an easy task. You can, of course, rent, but ...