Adele Enersen looked into her daughter's dreams

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What do most moms dream about on maternity leave? That's right: sleep, eat, find time for yourself, and also for a bunch of household chores - wash, iron, do homework with your older child. All this can be done only when the little Kolobochek fell asleep.

But there is another cohort of young parents - those who are looking for an outlet for their fantasies and want to creatively spend the time allotted to them.

Finca Adele Enersen is one of them.

Her name today is quite well known in near-Internet circles, she became famous with the help of extraordinary photographs, which depict her daughter, Mila.

Dear Mila is the most ordinary baby, so she, of course, loves to sleep very much. Looking at a child smiling in a dream, many mothers wonder what their babies are dreaming of. And Adele went further - with the help of improvised materials, they visualized her daughter's dreams.

In his collages, the author uses the most common household items. With their help, a fairy-tale world is drawn around Mila. Previously, it was clothes, blankets, fabrics, soft toys, in the photographs they turn into grass and sky, clouds, stars and the sun, magical animals and large trees. And Mila, of course, is the main character of another fairy tale.

There are already a great many photographs today - so many that Adele Enersen published a whole book filled with warmth, tenderness and sweet dreams. Adele's creations can now be appreciated by those who do not often surf the Internet.

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when the baby is sleeping when the baby is sleeping

when the baby is sleepingwhen the baby is sleeping

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children sleep well children sleep well

Adele's idea was picked up by many parents, so dozens of photos of her followers have already appeared.



The article was prepared for the site

Photo from the site - . All rights to the photographs belong to the author.

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