Ideas for integrating the family tree into the interior

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family tree ideas

A family tree integrated into the interior will help preserve your family history. It will become the basis of a corner of memory and save the crumbs of priceless family baggage. In the children's room, the family tree will educate the child in respect for the ancestors and arouse interest in the history of the family.

There are several ways to introduce a family tree into the interior: these are drawings on the walls, paintings in frames, photographs.

A great solution is to use a real tree as your family tree. Just awesome!

The image of the family tree by the method of fingerprinting looks very interesting.

To apply a family tree on the walls, creative people can use acrylic paints and a pre-prepared stencil . Those who are not so confident in their abilities will choose an easier way - vinyl stickers.

You can also make a real tree from boards and branches and fix it on the wall. Vintage photographs will add imagery and significance to the collage. However, if you don't have photos of your ancestors, don't worry. A family coat of arms or an image of a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation would also be appropriate here.

Another awesome idea for a family tree: instead of photographs, depict family members in period clothing.

The most assiduous natures can embroider a tree on a pillow, make it on a stand made of cardboard, paper, beads, or draw it on a plate or window. You can buy ready-made coasters and insert photos there.

It is not necessary to put there the names of all ancestors in six generations, sometimes, if you want to have a certain symbol of your family at home or introduce a child to the history of your family, listing the closest relatives is enough.

Only if you need a reliable historical and complete biography of your last name should you take on larger projects.

Unusual execution of the family tree:

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