Scandinavian style kitchen - what are the features?

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The Scandinavian style of apartment design is one of the most popular lately.

The design of such kitchens is minimalistic, as functional as possible, a little “cool”. A light palette dominates, simple geometric shapes, emphasis is placed on natural materials and natural light sources. Due to the abundance of light and the absence of heavy decor items, this style is ideal for small kitchens, it visually makes them more spacious and more ergonomic.

Creating a Scandinavian-style kitchen is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Today we will consider what are its features, what furniture and decor should be used so that your kitchen fits into the concept of "Scandinavian":

- Practical design.

- The functionality of the furniture.

- The use of strict geometric shapes.

- Install only really necessary storage systems, conciseness is the key to success!

- Choose furniture, appliances and wall coverings in light, cold colors.

- Only high-quality furniture fittings .

- A minimum of plastic and artificial materials.

- Maximum natural materials - wood, glass, ceramics (clay), linen, cotton.

- Decor only as accents. For example, a bright apron on the work area or small inclusions in the form of textile decor. The design should not be "too active".

- Asceticism, the absence of pretentious elements, all things must have a unitary character.

White and all its variations

White and gray in all their manifestations (milky color, baked milk, egg white) are the main colors in Scandinavian cuisine. It is they who expand the boundaries, refresh the interior and make the kitchen more airy. To avoid merging into one “white spot”, white should be diluted with light blue, dark gray (carbon, wet asphalt), beige, mint, lavender. Details and accents choose bright rich colors.

Doubt your choice? Consultants of the Moscow furniture manufacturer "Forest-31" will help you with the choice (more details here ) and make custom-made furniture to fit your size. If you prefer ready-made solutions, pay attention to the IKEA catalog, whose furniture philosophy meets all the criteria of the Scandinavian style.

Tiles, boards or light laminate, which imitates all the same massive boards, are ideal for flooring.

The chalk board fits perfectly into the design, on which you can write cute reminder notes to your relatives 🙂

Get inspired by the photos that we have collected especially for you.


Author Polina Morozova, article prepared for the site




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