Soap bubbles at home

by Latigil ​​8 486 views 0

Soap bubble snake

The summer time pleases and excites children. On cold winter days, our children dream of summer and what they can bring to life. Therefore, we will focus on such children's fun as soap bubbles. To date, there are many devices that allow you to create marvelous large and colored bubbles, release many, many bubbles. But buying these things for fun is not always appropriate, because not everyone can afford to spend money on a toy that will last one day and bother your little ones the very next day.

So, your attention is presented to the home version of the rainbow snake from soap bubbles.

All you need to create such a miracle is an empty bottle (waste from juice, soda, mineral water, etc.), duct tape, a terry sock, soap and a little food coloring.

First, cut off the base of the bottle. Then put the sock on the base of the bottle and secure it. You can do this with a rubber band or use colorful duct tape.

Soap bubble snake  snake bottle

Pour some soap into a shallow container and add a small amount of water, stir. Dip the sock into the soap solution and start blowing gently.

soap snakes  Bubble paint

In order for the soap kite to become colored, use ordinary food coloring. It is enough just to drip on the toe and the kite will sparkle with colors.

Of course, this is a little dirty fun, so it is suitable for a summer cottage or yard. But 100% will delight your children and bring a lot of fun!

Colored soap bubbles

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