What are old pills good for?

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For many of us, there is a sin: we still keep pills that have expired for a long time. And it's not even that every second is Plyushkin in the fifth generation, everything is simple - we look into the first-aid kit very, very rarely, only when needed.

So let's get it right. Throwing pills down the sink or pouring syrup down the toilet is prohibited; sewage can enter rivers and back to your faucet. So instead of disposing of medicines with other household waste, please yourself with a new collage or handmade earrings.

The site knigorez.ru offers its readers a new use of spoiled drugs based on Susan Braig.

A 50-year-old American professionally makes jewelry from expired pills. A few years ago, she was diagnosed with cancer. And in order to pay exorbitantly high medical bills, Susan creates luxurious, and at the same time unique jewelry, but uses pills instead of precious stones.

Susan at work:

The profile of the craftswoman on Facebook and her page .

Did you recognize M360 pain pills? No one will remember what the black and white pills were called 🙂

Jason Mecier is also associated with the pills Beans, peanuts, pills, as well as candy wrappers, candies themselves, toilet paper, badges, all kinds of rubbish serve as “oil and a brush” for him.

Pill portraits have their own backstory. His paintings, a kind of protest against the growing problem of drug addiction, depict mostly stars whose lives were cut short by drugs. This is Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger. How Taylor Swift got into this series is not clear.

By the way, the tablets that the author used in his work are not so easy to get, they are sold exclusively by prescription. He got them illegally, thereby drawing the attention of the public to the fact how easy it is for anyone to get "wheels".

But it's still beautiful, to say the least.

Jason Mecier himself.

Check out the artist's Facebook profile or visit his website.

The article was prepared by the authors of the site knigorez.ru based on materials from the Facebook network.

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