Cool chandeliers and lamps

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panty chandelier

1. Luminous panty chandelier

If you haven't heard of Pipilotti Rist, be sure to google it and read it. She is not only an amazing video artist, but also a very original person. What is worth only one of her chandelier, created from cowards!

She collected underpants from her friends and relatives, and with their help she assembled an extraordinary chandelier.

panty chandelier   panty chandelier

2. "Luminous Sock" - Swarovski Light Sock.

Swarovski chandeliers are the epitome of the elegance of light. Every housewife is not averse to becoming the owner of a chic crystal chandelier, especially one in the form of a shopping bag or, rather, a sock. Actually, it is called the "Luminous Sock" - Swarovski Light Sock.

Light sources, ordinary light bulbs, are hidden in grids filled with Swarovski crystals. But you must admit that such a chandelier looks incomparable, it combines imagination and modern technology. There is everything here: both a good idea and artistic execution!

chandelier with crystals Swarovski Light Sock

The only drawback of Swarovski Light Sock is its price and inaccessibility for the common man in the street.

3. Night light

The traditional design week in Stockholm (Sweden) brought new surprises. It is worth noting, for example, an unusual lamp by Vanessa Hordies, a graduate of the University of Art and Design (ECAL).

Her model of a night lamp called Night Night looks like an ordinary hourglass: a wooden base and a glass bulb. To turn on the lamp, you need to press the button and turn it over.

Feature in the following. The sand, which performs the function of dimming, slowly pours, the light becomes muted, and after 15 minutes the sand will cover the light source completely, and the room will plunge into darkness.

It is assumed that by this time the owner will already be asleep. Scientists believe that an average of 10-20 minutes is enough for a person to “go to sleep”.

The authors call their idea "lulling night light".

night light lamp Night Night

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Comments (1)

  1. The chandelier-dryer sucks
    , but it's cool with a sock! I'll try to be funny 🙂

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