Such beautiful and useful slingobuses

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Slingobusy - they are also called mother's beads or nursing ones. This is one of the first toys for your baby, which develops fine motor skills and distracts him if necessary.

It's stylish, beautiful and most importantly - safe!

First, it is an accessory for mom. This is sure to grab the attention of passers-by!

Secondly, how much benefit they bring to the baby! Details different to the touch - wooden beads, knitted toys, fruits entertain the child and will not let him get bored while the mother chooses products in the store.

Thirdly, slingobuses are a great item for teaching your baby to count, learning colors and shapes.

Have you noticed that during feeding, the child is still actively exploring the outside world and persistently grabs his mother by the nose, hair? This desire of the child is quite natural, but very importunate for the mother. And slingobuses are a great way out of this situation.

And when the child gets quite big and loves fairy tales, you can tell him one of them while he plays with beads, and later on, you will listen to him while he repeats the fairy tale to you. This is how his associative memory develops.

It is worth knowing the following fact about breastfeeding. If you give your baby a toy or the same beads while he is sucking on his mother's breast, then you can develop pleasant associations with this thing in him. She will give him a sense of peace and tranquility. Subsequently, the beads will become an indispensable thing that can be used in the absence of the mother, when the baby is worried.

Enough theory. Let's move on to practice. What do really good slingobuses look like? Of course, made by hand.

Here are such amazing slingobuses made by Ukrainian Tatyana, who is fond of handmade.

Visit her blog The Secret Life of Elephants for many more beautiful handicrafts.

Wonderful custom-made beads are knitted by craftswomen of Freya TM. You can view the products at the link .

Very original beads are knitted by Anna, the author of the blog .

But these options slingobus found on the Internet. Maybe we will give some of our readers an idea for implementation.


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