Tag: toys

Creativity with children / by admin -

Sandbox molds from cans

Here are such wonderful sandbox molds we made with our daughter from tin cans. The most difficult thing is to collect the right amount of different shapes and sizes. Next - process the edges with a hammer and paint ...

/ by admin -

Make the most unique toy for your child

Do you have a favorite toy that you have kept since childhood and that you want to give (gave) to your children? I have. This is a giraffe that my mother sewed with her own hands ....

/ by Latigil -

Goby - a toy for fingers

Finger toys help develop fine motor skills, attention, thinking and speech in children. They are helpful and interesting! Evgenia Ershova is engaged in the development and creation of educational toys. In addition to the idea of ​​​​creating toys and ...

/ by admin -

Such beautiful and useful slingobuses

Slingobusy - they are also called mother's beads or nursing ones. This is one of the first toys for your baby, which develops fine motor skills and distracts him if necessary. It's stylish, pretty and…

/ by admin -

Teddy bear from an old sock

Now on the shelves of stores you can buy a toy for every color and taste. But what could be better than a thing made by mother's hands? Here you can make such a cute bear for a child with your own hands ...