What can be done with old tires?

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The issue of recycling old tires is extremely acute today. Worn-out car tires accumulate in tons, and the process of their recycling is oh, how not cheap, and plus it pollutes the environment terribly.

Did you know that burning 3-4 thousand tires requires the same amount of oxygen that a small European town absorbs in a month? Therefore, let's think about what needs old tires can be adapted to.

We have already written several times on this topic, today we offer you a combined article with links to our articles.

1. Under the flower beds

At the link you will find photos of 30+ ready-made flower beds from old tires.

2. Put them on the children's swing in all variations.

For a complete photo selection of children's tire swings, see the link .

3. Make a variety of sports and playgrounds

A good example is the Nishi Rokugo Tire Park in Tokyo, which we wrote about in a previous article on knigorez.ru.

You can also make sandboxes and other elements for children's leisure.

4. Use for the needs of the economy

Old car tires can be adapted for a pool or used as steps, or you can make a bike rack or a foundation for a bathhouse based on them.

5. Make furniture out of them - tables, chairs, ottomans

This version used rims and tires from bicycles, but larger tires can be fitted if desired.

6. Successfully obtained and other interior items

including vanity units and even chandeliers.

7. Can make shoes and accessories

But only the most talented craftsmen are capable of this.

The article was prepared specifically for the site knigorez.ru.

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