Over 20 tire swing variations

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rubber tire swing

In one of the previous articles , we mentioned that out of old tires you can, among other things, make a hanging children's swing, which will successfully fit into the interior of a garden, backyard or playground.

We decided to hunt on the Internet for the realization of this idea. It turns out that in addition to the banal solution (tire + rope), there are many other, nice options.

I personally liked the carved swing and the half-tire swing. If there are two children in a family, then 2 identical swings can be made from one rubber product with a minimum of effort.

But I will not distract you, let's move on to the photo selection.

The simplest swing: you don't need anything but a tire, a rope and a place to screw the swing to.

tire swing tire swing

The options are a little more complicated and reliable, but require some skill and a tool to create. The number and methods of attaching chains may vary.

make a swing making a swing for a child

making a swing for children children's swing

do-it-yourself swing swing on chains

swing on chains children's swing on chains

homemade swing tire crafts

If you managed to find an old BELAZ tire, then you can make such a wonderful swing.

huge tire swing big swing

huge swing huge tire swing

huge tire swing giant tire swing

DiSuevero tire swing DiSuevero tire swing


carved swing rubber tire swing

playground swing hanging swing

rubber tire swing Garden swing

swing for giving swing for giving

Very funny animal figurines.

curly swing swing beast

super swing swing in the form of animals

swing in the form of animals

A full swing from half a tire.

children's swing homemade swing


The article was prepared specifically for the site knigorez.ru.

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