solar mosquito trap

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solar mosquito trap

In India, outbreaks of malaria are still observed, so the fight against carriers of this dangerous infectious disease is constantly in the field of view of all scientists and inventors. If the creation of a vaccine or repellents is the work of scientists, then various traps, nets and exterminators come up with everyone who is willing.

The topic of today's article is a mosquito trap that runs on solar energy, and therefore is absolutely safe for others. It does not use any poisons or chemicals, only biogas obtained from sewage lagoons (the ones where mosquitoes breed).

The author of the device is 45-year-old Indian Matthews Kay Matthew. The principle of operation of the trap is simple: the gas entering the flask attracts bloodsuckers, once mosquitoes enter the device, they die under the influence of high temperature. Therefore, the trap must be placed in a place where the sun's rays freely penetrate.

The first "clients" of Kay Matthew were elderly residents of the Kolbe hospice. Many of them are bedridden, and they cannot stand up for themselves in the war with mosquitoes. “Now we can finally sleep peacefully,” says Sister Godfrey.

Matthew has been developing his exterminator for more than one year, first of all he studied the behavior of mosquitoes, and then he used the knowledge gained in practice.

Unfortunately, this trap also has its downsides. It acts only on certain types of insects and cannot work indoors.

Read another interesting mosquito control option in our article at the link .

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