How to make a garden path from wood cuts

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path with grass

When a city person acquires a dacha or a house in the countryside, his interests immediately change dramatically - his thoughts are now directed to the improvement of his stay in the fresh air.

Be sure to think about the tracks on your site. Nowadays, there are a huge number of options for their construction, but I really want it to be low-cost, beautiful and natural. Think of such an environmentally friendly and generally inexpensive material as junk trees.

And from the remaining stumps you can make a wonderful house for fairies, which your child will appreciate. See this article for design options for the house .

Many people have logs, sawn trunks or the remains of beams in their plots. This will be the basis for your tracks.

The technology for arranging garden paths from saw cuts is very simple and accessible to everyone. Wooden saw cuts of the same height are prepared, the most optimal size is 8-12 cm. One height must be strictly maintained, because it will not be easy to lay out a flat path from various dies. Therefore, it is better to saw off the workpieces together, having a measure at hand, with a saw with a wide blade in order to capture the width of the log.

The tree absorbs moisture very well, and therefore the saw cuts must be treated with one of the antiseptics before laying to save them. Today, there are a large number of different brands on sale, it all depends on your capabilities. But there are improvised materials that allow you to protect the tree from decay. This is drying oil, and bitumen, and used engine oil. They say that wood can be protected by boiling the blanks in a mixture of diesel fuel and tar. This method is more dangerous, because the mixture of these ingredients must be heated over a fire to a liquid state.

You yourself will have to decide which method to give preference to, but it is necessary to process the prepared material.

Having prepared saw cuts, it is necessary to start preparing the future track. Having clearly outlined the trajectory, it is necessary to dig a trench 20-25 cm deep along the entire path. Then drainage is laid at the bottom of the trench. This is necessary to drain melt and rainwater, as well as to prevent wood decay.

Drainage is arranged as follows: three five-centimeter layers of sand or a mixture of sand and gravel are poured, each of which is spilled with water to compact. The next step is laying the prepared cuts in the prepared bed.

If you have enough material, you can lay out a drawing from the blanks. In any case, when laying wooden dice, everyone shows their imagination, so such paths are purely individual.

When laying blanks, they must be deepened into the drainage and compacted tightly, trying to select pieces of wood in size and shape. The space between the cuts can be filled with smaller pieces of wood, or covered with sand mixed with lawn grass seeds. The gaps must also be tightly tamped and the finished path should be well shed with water in order to detect the voids that have arisen.

The edges of the track are also desirable to arrange beautifully. To improve them, for example, low logs or their halves will go. You can limit the path to brick or natural stone. And here the main role will be played by your desire and opportunities.

Once every two years, the paths from saw cuts should be well cleaned with metal scrapers and preferably treated with antiseptics. Do-it-yourself paths made from natural material on your site will be durable and bring joy to you and your loved ones.

And you can see a few ideas for such tracks in our photo selection.

The article was prepared by the site


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